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Flexibility is the key to finding great deals



Flexibility is the key to securing the best airfares and hotel stays at the lower possible price. The earlier you start planning, the lower the price. Travelling abroad this summer will be according to the authorities’ recommendations, by why not start planning already for the next year’s summer trip, or a short autumn trip?

The earlier you plan your trip, the better chance you have in securing the best deals for the flight ticket and hotel stay.

Once you have chosen the destination, the departure time must be determined. Try to choose a day when least people travel. Avoid Fridays and Mondays – there is a high demand and the prices reflect this. If you have the opportunity to travel on alternative days, preferably in the middle of the week or at inconvenient times, such as late evenings or early mornings, it becomes easier to find more reasonable prices. Direct routes are often more expensive. By searching for air routes that involve one or two stopovers, the price often becomes more favourable. If the time permits, why not add an overnight stay before your flight?

It may be worth to consider extending the stay at the destination. Hotels usually offer a reduced priced if you stay one or two extra nights – and who does not like a longer stay than initially planned?

However, it may be time to explore alternative destinations if the price remains high. Abandon the typical tourist magnets, and be rewarded with not just more favourable prices, but also destinations with fewer tourists and tourist traps! recently conducted a study asking our readers about their thoughts on flexibility while travelling. More than 92% responded that they are flexible on dates when travelling for leisure, while 66% are flexible on the destination choice. Over 73% of respondents are willing to be both flexible on the dates and destination on intercontinental leisure trips in premium cabins. 81% responded that they have been influenced by editorial travel-related articles, which motivates us in BusinessClass to contribute with even more articles about destinations, hotels and flights.

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